About Oi Kwan College
BOKSS College was established in 2009 and our elderly services have joined the U3A Network of Hong Kong administered by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and funded by HK Electric Centenary Trust. BOKSS College offers a development platform that explores the potentials in the retired and elderly and encourages them to become tutors and mentors.
Adhering to the innovative learning mission of “self-initiating”, “self-learning”, “self-teaching” and “self-managing”, BOKSS College facilitates the Third Age Citizens to pursue continuous learning in developing their strengths and exploring their potentials in order to enjoy their golden years with a never-ending learning attitude
BOKSS College aims to inspire persons who aged 50 or above through self-learning and teaching to develop their potentials and realise their dreams. BOKSS College acts as an online campus while members can learn and teach through internet. At college, the elderly can bring out their full potentials, enhance self-image and devote their professional knowledge and experience to the betterment of individuals and society.
“Love” to seek the knowledge: Actively pursue knowledge and explore new things.
“Group” all your knowledge: Assemble all knowledge and emphasise the knowledge exchange and transfer of Third Age Citizens.
“Learn” in Excellence: Take learning seriously to achieve outstanding performance.
“Court” in Chinese means all-rounded performance: To have all-rounded development with creativity.
Courses and Credits
Two courses will be held each year. First semester is from April to September and second semester is from October to March of next year.
The course is divided into six departments including Arts, Health Education, Literature, Social Sciences, Business and Information Technology.
For encouragement and appreciation, students with 80% attendance will be given 3 credits for each course.
Students will receive the below awards with credits accumulated within 6 years:
Course Details and Application
Please visit:
Website: http://www.elderly.bokss.org.hk